Contact Info

315 Campbell Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016

Tel: (540) 342-1851

E-mail: [email protected]

Juvenile Misdemeanor and Felony Differences

Juvenile Court graphic

Trust Melvin L. Hill Attorney at Law for a Superior Juvenile Court Lawyer Do you know what the juvenile misdemeanor and felony differences are? Melvin L. Hill Attorney at Law can handle those questions and more. Society believes that kids and adults have different levels of responsibility and potential for rehabilitation. That’s why the two […]

Consequences of Criminal Activity

Criminal background check

Melvin L. Hill Attorney at Law Can Help You with Criminal Consequences Contact Melvin L. Hill Attorney at Law for help understanding consequences of criminal activity. Breaking the law impacts you and everyone else around you. There are consequences you deal with from the court, and in society. Some of those societal consequences you deal […]